"Cowabunga!" as Brother
Walty, one of the high priests in the Boardman ward would say. Transfers have
come! I'm currently writing to you from the Umatilla library. Between Boardman
and Hermiston. Its a beautiful sunny P day with my New Companero Elder
Richards. It’s been a pretty good week! Lets Flash back: The beginning of the
week was spent saying goodbye to the Members and some investigators in
Grandview, then Wednesday Morning we headed to the transfer site up at the
Yakima Stake Center. From there we waited, and
watched Glenn Beck's conversion
story to pass the time waiting for the transfer car to get there. Side note,
Glenn Beck is a crazy cracker. Haha. From there we rode down to the stake
center by the Colombia River down in Tricities. From there our transfer group
split up, everyone was staying in tri cities except for me. Elder Vance one of
our Senior Missionaries came and picked
me up and we made the trek down to
Hermiston OR. I remember crossing the Columbia River, the natural border
between Washington and Oregon and thinking "Wow this is it, the beginning
of the Next chapter of my mission. For the past 4 months I'd been in the Yakima
valley with occasional trips to Kennewick, but now I was breaking new ground.
Fun fact, we passed the world’s largest Irrigated farm on the way. Apparently
its owned by the church. Elder Vance told me a little bit about it. Well we
arrived in Hermiston, and from there I met my New Companion Elder Richards.
Elder Richards is a good guy, he is from Houston TX, he's an old man, (He has
about 4 months left in his mission.) and he trained Elder Swenson, was
companions with Elder Bao and they got along very well, and to top it off, My
first night in the mission home he's the one that took me out to get a teaching
experience. So I'd heard a lot about him haha. He's a really good missionary
and I can tell we're going to have a fun transfer.

As for the Boardman area, it’s a small little farming town. The people in the
ward are really nice, and we get tons of service opportunities working on
peoples farms. There's a family of 3 who are on date to be baptized on the 21st
of this month, so that'll be exciting! So we've been having fun. Saturday
morning, the Walty's invited us over to have breakfast at the Senior Center,
(all you can eat breakfast buffet for only 4.50 CHA CHING$) and after to come
over to their house and trim the dead branches from their willow tree. So that
was a lot of fun. There a really good couple and we enjoyed helping them out.
The ward is really fun. Sunday morning we had ward council at 8 in the morning,
and they have a really good ward mission leader. I was really impressed because
they seemed to be men of action. It wasn't just like "Okay we need to
activate so and so's sons" It was that and then, "Okay how are we
going to do it" and they all brain stormed and it was beautiful. The ward
is a great help with missionary work, they're really good at giving referrals
and fellowshipping, I feel like this will be a great place to serve. After Ward
council we had Choir Practice, and it was pretty funny because we were the only
men there. The choir director is from the Philippines and she just had a list
of obscure songs I'd never heard before to have us sing, and we'd go through it
with some difficulty trying to sing the Men’s part without any practice and
after each song, she would turn to us and say "Elders, you're sounding
kind of weak, you need to be better"
I'm convinced she's going to make me tougher by the end of my time here,
hahaha. Well that’s about it for the week, love ya bunches, take care!