Megan, I'm probably half kidding about you introducing your mancub to Pres. and Sis. Greer, but that might be because I'm pretty sure they were probably kidding when they suggested it. But if you feel inclined to do it, feel more than welcome too. I'll be sure to let them know when you're coming. More news from you would be welcome!
Heather, glad to hear from you, sounds like the kids are doing well, dirt on the head or no. Preferably no dirt on the head though if Nathan can't bathe.
Jordan, have you met any european or asian girls yet? What does being in the field involve? I'm excited to hear what calling they're thinking about for you. Glad to hear you're really getting involved with your ward down there, that is awesome. You should have some of your lady friends try the bubbleyum challenge. If they can do that, they're definitely a keeper.
Well as for me, this week was pretty good. I guess I'll handle the big news, TRANSFER CALLS. Well I wasn't too eager to see Richards go, he was a good companion, but it was what was most likely to happen. He will be transferred to Yakima, and I'll be getting my new companion Elder Evans this Wednesday. Elder Evans is actually already in the same zone as me, so I already see him for p day and zone stuff all the time, so I know he's a good missionary and we'll get along very well.
Mothers day was super cool, we had an awesome turn out at church so that was cool. And then we got to call home, we enjoyed that.
I started the week out by getting a cold. That was a bit of a damper, but we still got out and visited some people. We've got a lot of promising investigators, that we've got to prepare for baptism, not to mention the Romero's so hopefully we can buckle down and get that all done!
Well I hope everyone had a good week, take care!
Elder Derek Spencer Partridge
8656 W. Gage Blvd. Ste. 205
Kennewick, WA 99336
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