It has been A good week! I've got some good pictures loaded up here for you
to see! We had transfers 2 weeks back as you know. I got to see Elder Dowuona -
Hammond there! He got transferred down to Umatilla. That is by Hermiston and
Boardman, down in Oregon. It was good to see him. I got a picture with him.
There is also a picture of our District now, consisting of (Left to Right)
Hermana Holladay, Hermana Robison, Elder Larsen and Me.
Okay this week has been sweet! Our efforts to work with the members
continue to be fruitful. In the Connell branch council, they revised our mission
plan. Its pretty good when the Spanish branch that has sacrament meeting in the
relief society room gets on top of things. It is a great little branch, so we're
excited to see growth. The Broadcast has got people talking. We're going to see
good stuff happen.
Well we've got good stuff coming up this week. President and sister Ware
have officially stepped in, we're going to meet them as a zone on the 4th. We
have some other good stuff happening too!
Have a great week everyone!
-Elder Partridge
Hello Hermanas!